Our Products

At East Coast Curtains & Blinds, we are proud of our deep product knowledge and are dedicated to learning about the latest techniques, technology and hardware in the market. We want to give our customers the best possible options available for drapes, curtains, shutters and blinds.

Alongside our passion for bespoke design, suitable fabrics and complementary colours is our focus on reliable hardware and fixtures, manufactured by highly trusted brands who make quality products for your home.


Our curtains are made exclusively to order by skilled craftspeople on the Sunshine Coast. We have a wide selection of styles, colours and fabrics, including sheer, blockout and motorised curtains.

Roller Blinds

We make custom roller blinds, created specifically for your home by our dedicated professionals on the Sunshine Coast. Along with your choice of colours and styles, we feature translucent, solar screen, blockout and motorised blinds.


Constructed by hand on the Sunshine Coast, our shuttlers give a traditional look and feel to your home. We have both indoor and outdoor options for your shutters, made from aluminium, PVC and high quality synthetic materials.

Venetian Blinds

Manufactured for your exact needs in Southeast Queensland, Venetian blinds are your best option for light control and are the first choice for wet areas, such as kitchens and bathrooms.  We have a range of options in faux wood, timber and aluminium.

Panel Glides

Made to order on the Sunshine Coast, panel glide blinds are compact and easy to operate. This sleek and elegant style gives a modern look to any home and can be created in translucent, solar screen or blockout material.

Outdoor Blinds and Furniture

With your deck, porch or patio in mind, we design large outdoor shades and awnings, made on the Sunshine Coast. Protect your family from the sun while still being able to enjoy the outdoors with our external shades, in translucent, solar screen, blockout and motorised styles.

Trusted brands we work with